Thursday, October 14, 2010

Angel Food Refrigerator Dessert

This recipe is good and simple to make.

Angel Food Cake Refrigerator dessert
Mrs. Sondra Rater

1 small angel food cake
2 packages lemon gelatin
1 No. 2 Can crushed pineappe
1 pint whipping cream or 2 packages whipped dessert topping

Drain juice from pineapple and add enogh water to make 3 cups. Bring to a boil and dissolve gelatin in it. Let set until thickened. Whip it and fold in pineappple. Whip cream or topping and fold in gelatin mixture. Break cake into bite-size pieces and place half in mold or 9 x 12-inch pan. Pour half gelatin over cake. Add remaining cake and gelatin in layers. Chill overnight.

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