Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dill Pickles

Here is another pickle recipe from the workbasket magazine.

Dill Pikles

4 pounds small pickling cucumbers
4 1/2 cup water
4 cup distilled vinegar
6 Tablespoon salt
Fresh dill or dill seeds
mustard seeds

    Prepare home canning jars and lids according to manufacturing instructions.

    Wash cucumbers, trim ends . Cut into halves or quarters , lengthwise. Combine water, vinegar and salt; bring to a boil. Pack cucumber into hot jars, leaving 1/4-inch head space. Add 2 head of dill or 2 Teaspoon dill seed, 1/2 teaspoon mustard seed and 2 peppercorns to each jar. Carefully pour hot liquid over cucumbers, leaving 1/4-inch head space. Remove air bubbles with a non-metallic spatula. Adjust caps.
  Process 15 minutes in boiling water bath canner. Makes about 7 pint jars.

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